“There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that think Die Hard is a Christmas movie and those who are wrong.”
I was watching It’s a Wonderful Life when she said it. I glanced up at her from my eggnog. “People die in Die Hard. Just because it takes place at Christmas, doesn’t mean it’s about Christmas.”
“Sure it does.” She shifted on the couch, leaning back and putting her feet in my lap expecting me to rub them.
I started with her toes. “Tell me what’s Christmas-y about it.”
“It’s about a hero, a savior, that comes from somewhere else, conquers death to set his people free, and saves everyone. Bruce Willis, Redeemer King.”
I moved to the balls of her feet. “A Redeemer king who says, yipie ki ya, mother f*****?”
“Why not? What do think Jesus was really saying when he overturned the tables of the money changers? He had editors writing it down. And you know editors. They cleaned it all up and made it boring.”
“You know, I think you’re right. Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie ever.”